Pre-conference thematic webinars

Pre-conference thematic webinars

National land restoration scaling conference in Kenya Kenya has made major commitments to international agreements on land restoration, climate change, and biodiversity, because there is widespread appreciation among the leadership and citizenry that it is important...
Restored the land? How do you know?

Restored the land? How do you know?

Kenya is moving towards coordinating the various monitoring tools used in the country so as to have a ‘one stop shop’ that collates all progress in restoration. By Marion Aluoch As the world gears up for the launch of the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem...
Restore your mental health: restore land!

Restore your mental health: restore land!

Komb Green Solutions is restoring more than just land in Nairobi: it’s restoring people’s minds and health as well. By: Tengetile Zanele Mphila-Nguru, Janet Chemitei and Sarah McKenzie As the climate crises grows more intense, for young people it is now becoming...