Regreening Africa supports the Rwandan government’s plan to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through land restoration by increasing productivity without compromising environmental integrity and ensuring food security and prosperity for rural communities.
Regreening targets
100,000 hectares
70,000 households
Four districts in the Eastern Savanna Region
World Vision Rwanda
ICRAF Rwanda
Approaches to reversing land degradation
- Community Work (Umuganda), which is a well-established policy, will be used to reach a large number of community members, along with local radio and other media, savings groups, churches and schools
- Farmers’ field schools, with male and female facilitators, will train farmers in Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration and other regreening practices
- Rural resource centres and community nurseries will be established to improve access to high-quality tree germplasm
- Visits will be organized for farmers to learn from other farmers
- Stakeholder forums will be held periodically to enable participatory planning, review and discussions with policy-makers and finance institutions
- Integration with other national programs, such as the Crop Intensification Program
Project sites
The project is being implemented in four districts of the Eastern province: Bugesera, Kayonza, Gatsibo and Nyagatare.

Expected impact
- Increased tree density and diversity, for example, at least five different species in household plots and more fruit trees, which will improve both household income and nutritional security
- Increased awareness of land degradation and restoration
- Reduced land degradation
Contact details
World Vision (WV)
Alex Mugayi
Project Manager
World Agroforestry Centre
Athanase Mukuralinda
Country Manager