Led by World Vision Kenya and ICRAF, Regreening Africa works with a diverse range of stakeholders: public, private and even faith-based, to catalyse land restoration.
Regreening targets
150,000 hectares
50,000 households (10,000 smallholders directly and another 40,000 through leveraging with partner projects)
Western Region: Migori and Homa Bay counties
Central Rift Region: Nakuru, Elgeyo Marakwet and Baringo counties
Northern Region: Isiolo, Laikipia, Marsabit and Samburu Counties
World Vision Kenya
National and county governments
Many other non-governmental organisations, community based organisations and faith-based organisations
Approaches to reversing land degradation
- Integrating scientific knowledge to inform tree selection and strategies to expand scale
- Establishment of Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration example sites and resource centres in strategic areas
- Farmer-to-farmer training with leading farmers and farmer-to-farmer visits
- Strengthening of tree-based value chains prioritized by farmers
- Rewards mechanisms for expansion of scale
- Providing technical assistance to the development of supportive policy
- Prioritizing gender equity in all aspects
- Leveraging other projects, achieved through formation and intensification of networks based on Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration
- Community-based organisations for capacity enhancement and adoption
- Policy support at county and national levels for inclusion of Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration
- Use of national and global environmental events in, or linked to, the eight counties to support practice and policy
- Strategic communication to create awareness and accelerate the expansion of scale
Project sites
The project will work in Lambwe Valley in Homa Bay County and Nyatike in Migori County, targeting 10,000 smallholder farmers. 40,000 smallholder farmers will be reached through leveraging opportunities with partner projects.

Expected impact
- The dynamics, dimensions and indicators of land degradation are documented for decision making
- Large-scale regreening successes are analysed and participatory approaches for accelerated expansion of scale are deployed
- Regreening successes are communicated to policy makers, governments and the development community to inspire even greater expansion
- Local organisations and service providers are able to support accelerated regreening at increased scales
- Value chains that support the increased scale of regreened production systems
Contact details
World Vision (WV)
Philemon Bwanawoy
Project Manager
World Agroforestry Centre
Catherine Muthuri
Country Coordinator