
What are Gender Transformative Approaches (GTA)? 

Presented by: Ana Maria Paez Valencia

  • Deep understanding of gender dynamics and social inequalities and how these affect livelihoods and landscape management.
  • Critical awareness of gender roles and norms
  • Challenging oppressive norms and behaviors, as well as the distribution of resources and allocation of duties.
  • Involving men & boys to encourage collaboration and discourage conflict.
  • Increasing women’s bargaining power.


Intrahousehold Equity in Regreening Africa

Presented by: Hilda Kegode, Judith Oduol and Karl Hughes

  • There are four indexes: extent of practice, intensity of practice, diversity of practice and intra-household equity but focus is on gender equity for this webinar
  • Intra-household gender equity- are women involved in agroforestry decision-making? Is division of labor between men and women equal? Are sales from agroforestry benefitting both men and women?
  • Rwanda had most women being engaged with Senegal and Niger having low number
  • ICRAF to guide partners on integrating gender on restoration activities
  • Ghana has a significant shift in women involvement, but it is more localized in areas under gender programing
  • Gender dimension was lowest in all countries except for Rwanda


Challenging the Underlying Causes of Gender Equity: A case study from the Regreening Landscapes of Ghana

Presented by: Gloria Kukurije Adeyiga       

  • Gender inequity manifests in the following areas: access, control, work burdens (roles at home), gender attitude, and decision making
  • The GTA aims to address the unequal areas (above) in gender roles. Three approaches were used: GTA modules; community support; monitoring of the gender indicators
  • Gender indicators were a collection of the things that men and women wanted to measure. These measurements were things that they could easily monitor. These indicators benefitted both men and women
  • The indicators lead to shifts in gender relations, improves household wellbeing that are resilient have a shared access and assets and the men/women/youth being able to restore land in a way that they desire
  • Land restoration should be deliberate in planning, design and budgeting for the gender to empower and transform
  • GTA requires continual engagement for it to be sustainable to keep the process going
  • Need to celebrate the success to mark progress on the changes made



Additional Resources

Watch the webinar : Gender Transformative Approaches: Empowering and mainstreaming women in land restoration

Read more:


Further reading

  1. Elias et al.,  2021 –Ten people-centered rules for socially sustainable ecosystem restoration https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/rec.13574
  2. Paez-Valencia, A.M. 2020. Gender-responsive project implementation with the Resilient Food Systems Programme.  https://knowledgecentre.resilientfoodsystems.co/assets/resources/pdf/rfs_gender-activities-and-guidelines_29_01_21.pdf