
Dr. Alan Channer

Dr Alan Channer is a specialist on the intersections between peacebuilding and the environment. He is a Senior Fellow of the Global EverGreening Alliance and Co-Director of the ‘Summer Academy on Climate, Land and Security organized by the Geneva Centre for...

Victor Mugo

A firm believer that the youth hold the key to the transformation of food systems, Victor is a climate smart agriculture and agribusiness development specialist mobilizing a youth transition to climate resilient agriculture and agricultural entrepreneurship. He is the...

Milton Obuka

Milton Obuka is the Youth Coordinator for the Devolution and Climate Change Adaptation Programme and co-founder of One Vision Kenya. He is also the Green Ambassador for Climate with Climate Change Africa Opportunities. Obuka spearheaded the formation of 45...

Mercy Karunditu

I am a graduate from Kenyatta University where I graduated with MSc in Agroforestry and Rural Development, Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and a certified manager from Kenya Institute of Management (KIM). Currently as Deputy Executive Director, I provide...

Mana Omar

Mana Omar is the CEO and Founder of the Spring of the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (SASAL), a startup NGO seeking to build climate resilience in the ASALs of Kenya. Academic background in Meteorology and environmental governance. Youth and women inclusion in...