
Landscape restoration monitoring Presentations

Key presentations  on themes  Opening presentation on Forest and Landscape Restoration Action Plan (FOLAREP) monitoring framework: Rose Akombo, Principal Conservator of Forests, Kenya Forest Service Presentations were also centered on three thematic areas: Theme 1:...

Movement building and leveraging presentations

Key presentations  on themes  Presentations were centered on three thematic areas: Session 1: The role of faith communities in the management and restoration of land in Kenya Session objective: To explore synergies and opportunities for collaboration among faith-based...

Restoration approaches and practices Presentation

Opening plenary: Key presentations  on themes  These themes included: Pastoral System Restoration (PMNR); Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR); Agricultural landscape restoration and  Conservation/restoration. Presentations were made from the following speakers:...

Closing Session

Closing Session Agenda Kenya National Landscape Restoration Scaling Conference: Catalyzing action for landscape restoration Join the conversation on how we can accelerate the momentum of landscape restoration in Kenya by bringing together and linking multiple...

Anne N. Angwenyi

Ms. Angwenyi leads the British High Commission’s approach and ambition to climate change and natural resource management. Through advisory leadership and technical expertise her work informs, and shapes climate programmes financed by the U.K Government in Kenya. She...