
Patricia Mumbua Kombo

Involving school children in tree-growing activities, conservation, and the establishment of environmental clubs Patricia is a passionate environmentalist, a communicator and the 2020 United Nation Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Land Hero. As the founder...

Charity Lanoi Meitiekini

Promoting and empowering Maasai women through landscape restoration Charity is passionate about promoting and empowering the Maasai communities. She works with the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust (MWCT) empowering the Maasai women of Kuku group ranch economically...

Judy Matu

Providing economic empowerment to smallholders and vulnerable women Judy’s love for the environment was instilled in her by her father. She is a community builder with rich experience spanning years in the public sector and with NGOs working on economic...

Perpetual Wanjiku

Advocating for a more sustainable future by promoting waste upcycling Perpetual Wanjiku loves working with young people and grassroots communities in advocating for a sustainable future. Her mantra is, “Do your little big thing to drive the change you want to...

Esther Wanza

Restoring landscapes through the use of renewable energy Esther Wanza is passionate about improving the lives of African communities by facilitating increased access to sustainable energy. She supports over 150 women entrepreneurs in the clean cooking and off-grid...