
Session 1: Scaling out context-based practices

  • Introduction to Regreening Africa: PRESENTATION
  • Highlighting the Regreening Africa practices as well as the advisory models used to promote them: PRESENTATION

Cases presented include enclosures in Ethiopia, tree nursery cooperatives and farmer trainers in Rwanda, and Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration in Senegal.

  • Exclosures for Ecosystem Restoration and Livelihood Improvement (Ethiopia) – Catholic Relief Services and World Vision Ethiopia: PRESENTATION
  • Scaling tree planting through community based groups (Rwanda): PRESENTATION
  • Assisted natural regeneration (ANR): How has it been applied and adopted in Senegal? – The challenges  and opportunities to expand it? PRESENTATION
  • Presentation on preliminary results on adoption of practices through the programme presented by the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning team. PRESENTATION

Key Messages

Listen to session one recording here in English or French

Listen to the full recording here in English or French