In the News

Farmers restoring degraded lands with FMNR techniques
By Habtamu Regasa Sheki Jamal is a 55-year-old farmer, a father of nine-seven sons and two daughters-who lives in Sinbixe village of Jeju district, Oromia Region state of Ethiopia. When Jamal was young, most of the land in his village was covered with natural forests...

Buzzing out on farmer-managed natural regeneration in Western Kenya
By Grace Koech Farmers and researchers are exploring ways to add value to farmer-managed natural regeneration plots in Kenya, chiefly by incorporating apiculture into these systems to offer additional livelihood options and make the most of the bee forage that the...

Home gardening: a multiple-win approach to land restoration
The Regreening Africa project is promoting and building capacity for home gardening in several African countries to address food insecurity, land degradation, and climate change impacts .

Tree health essential for tree-based restoration plans in Rwanda
Researchers have found that Rwanda’s agroforestry and restoration initiatives are threatened by invasive pests and diseases. They call for the issue to receive more attention. By Sheillah Cherotich Agroforestry practices are widely accepted as a sustainable strategy...

The Regreening Africa App
The Regreening Africa App is a mobile-based android application that allows users to collect data at farm level on a range of land restoration practices that allows for robust landscape level monitoring. The Regreening Africa App links land restoration activities...

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration in Senegal – Samba’s Story
By *Mwabi Jere and Marion Aluoch Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is the systematic regeneration and management of trees and shrubs from tree stumps, roots and seeds. These regrown trees and shrubs increase landscape tree cover, resulting in greater carbon...

Faith in land restoration: lessons and insights
Faith in land restoration: lessons and insights By *Sandiso Matshikiza The ecological and socio-economic effects of climate change and land degradation are now well documented across the globe, with many initiatives that seek to address these issues putting...

Can traditional gender norms shift?
Reflections by *Lamisi Awuni, a facilitator of the Gender Transformative Approach. World Vision Ghana trained me as a facilitator for the Regreening Africa project to train five communities in Bawku West District — including Adonsi, Googo, Widnaba, Farik and Nosqua —...

Women farmers restoring landscapes and improving livelihoods in Rwanda
Leading farmers like Beatrice Mukagasarabwe are driving regreening of degraded agricultural land in the country. By Charity Uwase* Beatrice Mukagasarabwe, 38, is a champion farmer in her village of Kadebo, Bugesera District in Rwanda. An environmental enthusiast, she...

New guide to engaging communities in planning for sustainability
The Regreening Africa program has produced a guide to ensuring the work will continue after the program ends. By Marion Aluoch Sustainability planning is essential in any project to ensure that activities do not simply end when the project does. Having a plan in place...