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The Kenya Rangelands Restoration and Conservation Action Group was formed after the Kenya National Landscape Restoration Scaling Conference 2021 in recognition of the need for special attention to rangeland restoration in Kenya. One of its key tasks will be to implement the various recommendations made during the pastoral systems/rangelands’ restoration sub-session of the conference. It brings together actors in the protection and restoration of rangelands in Kenya to promote their restoration through joint action.

 The purpose of the action group is to:

  • Identify and prioritize key issues to support action in Kenyan rangelands.
  • Clarify each of these issues in a dedicated session in view of promoting actions supporting rangelands conservation and restoration.
  • Compile a list of actions to address the key issues addressed based on the experiences, opportunities, and solutions discussed during the various session.

The key issues linked to the conservation and restoration of rangelands prioritized by the action group members are:

  • Documentation and sharing of experiences/knowledge on good rangeland management practices and their impacts.
  • Assessing and monitoring rangeland health for multiple targets and commitments e.g. the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) and UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
  • How to enhance resilience to changing climate, markets, and interests.
  • Identifying and addressing the drivers of rangeland degradation.
  • How to achieve large-scale change (with respect to restoration) at the landscape level?
  • Exploring the role of the youth and women and how to strengthen their involvement and capacity.
  • The current and future threat of invasive species and how to address it,
  • Supporting national and county policies/ commitments/targets/plans for advancing rangeland restoration.
  • The viability of carbon credit schemes, renewable energy options, tourism, and biodiversity conservation as alternative livelihood sources to livestock production
  • Identifying and exploring financing mechanisms for Rangelands Restoration.
  • Private sector engagement in rangeland restoration and conservation.

Webinar Objectives:

  • To present the outcomes of discussions on the key issues/challenges to rangeland restoration identified and the way forward on each.
  • To discuss challenges and opportunities in grazing management and conservation efforts in rangelands such as conservancies.
