

Treasurer, National Alliance of Community Forest Association in Kenya (NACOFA) and  Lembus Chemusus Community Forest Association (CFA)

Tecla is a community leader who is passionate about conservation, community outreach and women empowerment. She is motivated by the desire to see women represented in policy development forums so as to give them an opportunity to share their opinions. She doubles up as the treasurer, Koseo Community Socio-Environmental Organization and sits in the County Environment Committee in Baringo County. She was feted as one of the Shujaas in Baringo County on Mashujaa Day 2021.

NACOFA engages in tree planting, river bank conservation, community outreach, women empowerment campaigns and income generating activities such as beekeeping and agroforestry. They have rehabilitated five streams so far with the support of Kenya Community Development Foundation.

At the height of the Covid 19 Pandemic, Tecla led efforts to give potatoes and seeds to needy households and pay school fees for bright, needy students from various local day schools.

Tecla is so passionate about women empowerment because it has been her experience that women bear the brunt of environmental degradation. The women rely on the forests for firewood, herbs, water and soil for beautification. They also establish and run apiaries in the forest. The very ladies make sure to plant and monitor the trees in the forests for upto three years before moving on to new projects. Despite the level of commitment, women are locked out from reaping the financial rewards of their work as all land and their produce belong to the men. This is primarily due to the patriarchal nature of the local culture. Tecla has devoted herself to getting women into leadership positions within CFA.

Her efforts have been successful. Up from zero, there are now approximately 10 female CFA chairpersons and secretaries world wide. These positions were previously reserved for men. Women are now having their say at the table during the policy development.