The Great Green Wall is a Pan-African initiative to restore large areas of land to benefit local communities. Through this initiative hundreds of millions of hectares will be regreened across the Sahel and Horn of Africa from Senegal through to Somalia. Regreening Africa is working in several Great Green Wall (GGW) countries and has collaborated with partners to undertake studies, hold workshops, implement on the group and support the GGW vision through action, evidence and lessons. Below are some outputs linked to the GGW, produced by or in collaboration with Regreening Africa.
The SHARED team led an indicative participatory foresight analysis for the Great Green Wall (GGW) as part of Regreening Africa in 2023. This work built on data from World Overview of Conservation and Technologies
(WOCAT) and affiliated Carbon Benefits Program (CBP), the Regreening Africa Land Degradation Dynamics Component and the CIFOR-ICRAF Trees and forest genetic resources, and biodiversity theme. The work reflected upon the value of applying foresight analysis to support land restoration initiatives, and in particular, the institutions and stakeholders of the GGW Initiative in effectively achieving critical targets. As a case example.
You can read about the exercise and some indicative outputs from the foresight exercise here.

On January 19-21 in 2023, a Great Green Wall pre-residential seminar on land restoration practices, monitoring, evaluation, and foresight approach was held in Bamako, Mali at Grenada hotel de l’Amitié. The workshop was organized by CIFOR-ICRAF in collaboration with the Pan-African Agency of the GGW (PAGGW), the UNCCD Accelerator of the GGW and other partners.
The main objectives were to:
- Share knowledge and strengthen capacity on promising practices and approaches in sustainable land management with lessons from the Regreening Africa Initiative and partners and summary of the pipeline of 2009-2020 GGWI projects.
- Discuss future scenarios for current practices and approaches through foresight application.
- Strengthen momentum and capacity for the harmonized results management framework and the multi-purpose platform, discussing tools, approaches, and opportunities.
- Discussing pillar leadership and data stewardship roles in data management structure, through the GGW Data Task Force.
You can find the reports from this workshop here in English and French

ClimBeR seeks to address challenges to adaptation by small-holder farmers through science and innovation aimed at transforming the climate adaptation capacity of food, land, and water systems, working closely with partners at the local, national, regional, and global levels. ClimBeR focuses on generating knowledge to unlock public and private finance, foster climate- and peace-sensitive policies and backstop the Great Green Wall Initiative (GGWI), Africa’s flagship programme to address climate change and desertification.
A recent project has supported ClimBeR through extensive stakeholder consultation on the four focus countries, Senegal, Mali, Ethiopia and Sudan. In addition to the focus countries, regional engagement and a series of virtual events and stakeholder interviews have been synthesised into the knowledge series. We would like to thank the time and expertise from stakeholders for interviews, workshops, regional events and sharing their insights towards this important project.
Reports from this project are available:
- Regional Policy Coherence Analysis to Scale Up Action and Achievements of the Great Green Wall Initiative / Analyse de la cohérence des politiques régionales pour intensifier l’action et les réalisations de l’Initiative de la Grande Muraille Verte
- Research support to address barriers and accelerate the impact of the Great Green Wall Initiative
- Considering barriers to and solutions for accelerating impact in the Great Green Wall Initiative. Summary Report of a Virtual Event Series 25 October and 24 November 2022