
Janephrice is the chairperson of the Cheptais Community Forest Association (CFA) which engages in the restoration of degraded areas within the Cheptais Forest Reserve in Bungoma county. CFA members also restore areas outside the reserve through on-farm tree planting/agroforestry.

Her interest in restoration stemmed from the values instilled by her grandparents on the importance of forests for purifying the air, a source of fuelwood and building materials, a habitat for wild animals and a possible refuge when hiding from enemies.

In addition to the environmental benefits of forest conservation and restoration, the CFA members also earn income from selling tree seedlings from their tree nurseries to KFS, earning an income for working as casual labourers at Kenya Forest Service (KFS), having easy access to fuelwood as they have trees in their homesteads, generating income from the sale of fruits and beekeeping.

The livelihoods of CFA members has therefore improved due to their participation in restoration and some have used this extra income to pay school fees for their children. In fact, many CFA members have changed their livelihoods to selling tree seedlings, fruits, honey and fuelwood.

Similarly, CFAs work has helped alleviate gender bias. Men have been sensitised on the importance of restoration and the critical role women play in it. As such, women have taken up active leadership roles in the restoration effort. It is out of this bilateral support that Janephrice won election to the office of chairperson.