
Involving school children in tree-growing activities, conservation, and the establishment of environmental clubs

Patricia is a passionate environmentalist, a communicator and the 2020 United Nation Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Land Hero.

As the founder of PaTree, her niche revolves around networking and partnering with schools to promote a safe and clean planet through environmental education and tree planting activities. She was inspired to action watching innocent children and their mothers suffer the ravages of the climate crisis during the #Kenyans4Kenya march.


“Our key goal is to promote environmental education in schools by bringing nature close to them because if we wait for the younger generation to inherit the land without proper environmental knowledge, there won’t be anything left for them to inherit.”

Besides championing climate change she advocates for sustainable land use, with an aim of ending hunger, malnutrition and poverty in rural communities. Her goal is to give a voice to younger generations and train them how to act for the climate through tree growing and setting kitchen gardens in schools. She does this through social media activism, blogging and writing opinion pieces on National Newspapers.

Patree Initiative was founded in June 2018 with the aim of reviving 4k clubs in schools and helping the country attain the ten percent forest cover through incorporating pupils in tree growing activities, conservation, and introduction of environmental clubs.


“Our long term goal is to have an environmental curriculum and climate change being introduced as a compulsory subject in schools.”


It has conducted activities in eleven schools across the country and grown over 5000 seedlings, started a satellite nursery and kitchen gardens.