
Advocating for a more sustainable future by promoting waste upcycling

Perpetual Wanjiku loves working with young people and grassroots communities in advocating for a sustainable future. Her mantra is, “Do your little big thing to drive the change you want to see.”

She is driving change in her community through environmental conservation advocacy while promoting creativity and innovation through the Creative Waste Network (CREWAN). CREWAN is a youth-led initiative managed by six young women that promotes environmental conservation through the 3Rs reuse, reduce, recycle as well as by creating environmental awareness. CREWAN’s work revolves around upcycling and recycling waste to art.

The network has maintained continuous interaction with two primary schools, and 150 children have benefited from their work. They have motivated the children to recycle the waste in their homes and embrace a culture of proper waste disposal. These children have also been taught how to incorporate their talents and skills in solving problems arising in today’s world.

CREWAN has also partnered with art organizations like Sekoya East Africa to train its members on art creation through upcycling and recycling for environmental conservation.