Sustaining mangrove forest for improved livelihoods
Grace is motivated to engage in restoration by her love for Mangrove forests which are often cooler than surrounding areas, and her general love for trees.
Her love for Mangrove forest started in her childhood and eventually led her to begin the Mtakimau Mangrove Community Forest Association (CFA) in 2014. The CFA boasts 870 members drawn from 14 community-based organisations (CBOs) and Self-Help Groups (SHGs).
The CFA works to restore the mangrove forest in Kilifi County by introducing new species into five creeks: Mtwapa, Takaungu, Kilifi, Matsangoni, and Uyombo creeks. Species used include Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, and Ceriops tagal. The CFA has more than 30 acres of mangrove forests in Kilifi County under restoration. This has been accomplished by planting 40,000 to 80,0000 mangrove tree seedlings annually.
To reduce over reliance on mangrove trees for fuel wood and timber, the members engage in income generating activities such as bee keeping, managing fishponds, bandas and boardwalks in mangrove forests.
The Mangrove Forest, which is always cooler than her surrounding areas, is her favourite place to escape the hot Kilifi sun.