

Regreening Africa is promoting sustainable land management, particularly, Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration and other suitable agroforestry practices in arid and semi-arid areas.

A suite of practices that are contextually appropriate are being deployed in conjunction with communities, ensuring that the communities benefit economically through strengthened tree-based value chains.


Regreening targets

12, 890 hectares
19, 857 households


Somaliland: Dweyne and Awdac districts

Puntland: Sanaag, Karkar and Bari districts


Somaliland: World Vision Somalia

Puntland: CARE Somalia

World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

Approaches to reversing land degradation

  • Community dialogues
  • Demonstration plots and farmer-to-farmer visits
  • Training agricultural extension agents in land restoration
  • High-quality tree planting material available for communities
  • Strengthening community-based producer and marketing groups for priority tree-based value chains
  • Facilitate ‘xeer’ (customary laws and practices) revitalization for common pool resource management

Project sites

The project will target Odweyne and Baki districts, which are largely agro-pastoral with the majority of farmers rearing camel, goats and sheep which all depend on pasture.

Expected impact

  • Increased income, food security and resilience among pastoralists and agro-pastoral communities
  • Reversed land degradation, improved forage and robust rangeland value chains
  • Diversified sources of household nutrition and incomes from livestock and natural products

Contact details

World Vision (WV)

Abraham Asefa
Project Manager


World Agroforestry Centre

Jonathan Muriuki
Country Manager


Abdirahim Gure
Project Manager