
Ms Rose Akombo is a Forest and Climate Change Expert with over 24 years in forest science, policy and practice specializing in Forest and Landscape Restoration and climate change adaptation. Rose is passionate about restoring degraded landscapes to regain ecological functions, enhance human well being and provide climate solutions.

She holds MSc in Forest Science and Forest Ecology, University of Gottingen (Germany) and BSc. Forestry, Moi University, Kenya. Rose is a Principal Conservator of Forests based at the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) Headquarters in Nairobi where she leads the Climate Change Unit and coordinates the development of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Implementation Action Plan 2021-2025 (FOLAREP) in collaboration with the FAO Kenya under the project ”Restoration of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) of Kenya Through Bio-Enterprise Development and other Incentives Under the Restoration Initiative