Lead organizations:
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, World Vision , Regreening Africa, CIFOR-ICRAF, Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) , WOCAT, GEA, Vi Agroforestry
Other partnering organizations:
Nature Kenya, Wangari Maathai Foundation – Greenbelt, MetaMeta, WWF, Kenyatta University, Maseno University, Egerton University, Zero Two Heroes, IUCN, Mother Earth Network, Wildlife Clubs of Kenya (Charles to send contacts/Laura), IDH, GIZ, Ceriops Research Org, Just Diggit, Trees for the Future, Transfo Green World, NACOFA, African Conservation Centre, WWF, MetaMeta, ACC, Farm Africa
General objective:
- Outline and elaborate key approaches for ecosystem restoration in key Kenyan ecosystems and elucidate challenges and opportunities therein
- Developing action plans for the creation and development of action groups to sustain the groups in each of the four domain
Specific objectives:
- Identifying what is working well and why it is a good opportunity
- Identifying opportunities to integrate restoration in the ecosystem plans
- Capacity development approaches for all actors
- Drawing from lessons and challenges to chart the way forward
This theme will explore the best restoration practices i.e. what works for restoration, how to implement restoration and upscale it. Four restoration approaches will be examined:
- Pastoral system restoration (PMNR)
- Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR)
- Agricultural landscape restoration
- Conservation/restoration (areas with wildlife restoration)
There will also be an element of training/capacity building to address the priority needs for member and partner organizations in restoration, leveraging existing tools, training materials, and capacity-building activities.

Jonathan Muruiki
Kenya Representative,CIFOR-ICRAF

Lavenda Alwaka Ondere
Technical specialist Natural Resource Management, World Vision Kenya

Kiunga Kareko
Programme Manager (Forest), WWF-Kenya

John T. Kandila
Chief Executive Officer, Zero Two Heroes Ltd

Dr. Dennis Garrity
Chair, Global
EverGreening Alliance
Senior Fellow, World
Agroforestry, Senior Fellow,
World Resources Institute
Board Member, Global Landcare

Beatah Nzove
Senior Program Manager, ISLA Program Kenya, IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative

Derrick Muyodi
CEO, Ceriops Environmental
Research Organization.

Rose Akombo
Principal Conservator of Forests, Kenya Forest Service

Dr. Charles Okech Odhiambo (PhD)
Regreening Africa Project Manager, World Vision Kenya

Francis Nyambariga
Deputy Director, Agricultural Research and Innovation, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives

Hanspeter Liniger, PhD
University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment and Department of Geography.

Collins Cheruiyot
Chief of Party, Ending Drought Emergencies in Kenya, IUCN

Gerald Ngatia
Secretary of the National Alliance of Community Forest Associations in Kenya (NACOFA)

Nancy Kadenyi
Natural Resources Management Specialist-MetaMeta Research

Theophilus M. Kioko
Water Resource and Environmental Management

Dr. Kieran Avery BVSc, MRCVS, MKVB
Director of Natural Resource Management, The Northern Rangelands Trust

Lucy Waruingi
Executive Director, African Conservation Centre (ACC)

George Njagi
Programmes Manager, Wildlife Clubs of Kenya

Dr. Winnie Kiiru
Chair, Friends of Karura Forest,

Gilbert O. O. Obwoyere (Dr.rer.nat)
Associate Professor of Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Health, Department of Natural Resources, Egerton University