Mieke Bourne Ochieng
Programme Manager, Regreening Africa

Bernard Crabbé
Head of the environment mainstreaming & circular economy sector at the European Commission, Directorate General for International Partnerships (INTPA)

Ravi Prabhu
Director Innovation, Investment, and Impact, CIFOR-ICRAF

Anna Daba Ndiaye
Regreening Africa Project Manager, World Vision Senegal

Malefia Tadele
Project Manager, Catholic Relief Services Ethiopia

Woldeyohanes Tesfaye
Researcher/National Agroforestry project coordinator, CIFOR-ICRAF

Leigh Winowiecki
Land Degradation Dynamics Lead, CIFOR-ICRAF

Geoinformatics Senior Scientist/ Head of SPACIAL Unit, CIFOR-ICRAF

Edward Akunyagra
Project Manager Regreening Africa, World Vision Ghana

Philip Atiim
Agriculture Project Manager, Catholic Relief Services Ghana

Gloria Adeyiga
Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG)

Mawa Karambiri
Policy and technical engagement specialist for the Sahel, CIFOR-ICRAF

Sammy Carsan
Agroforestry Scientist-Trees, CIFOR-ICRAF

Patrick Worms
Senior Science Policy Advisor, CIFOR-ICRAF

Olaf Westermann
Senior technical advisor on climate change and natural resource management, Catholic Relief Services

Constance L. Neely
Senior consultant to World Agroforestry (ICRAF)

Felix Mulindangabo
Monitoring and Evaluation professional

Souleymane Fassoum Doumbia
Regreening Africa Project Manager, Oxfam Mali

Ahmed Mohamed
CARE, Puntland

Dennis Garrity
Chairman Of The Board at The Global EverGreening Alliance

Laura Mukhwana
Stakeholder Engagement and Restoration Support Consultant, CIFOR-ICRAF

Boube Chayaya AbdoulKadri
Project Manager, CARE, Niger

Ibrahim Mohamed Muse
Food Security and livelihoods Manager, World Vision Somaliland

Brian Wambua
Climate change and FMNR specialist, World Vision Kenya

Milton Oboka
Co-Founder and Executive Director of One Vision Kenya and Youth Coordinator at Devolution and Climate Change Adaptation (DaCCA) Program