
Ms. Nkatha Kobia is a program manager at OikoDiplomatique, an NGO registered in Nairobi and Geneva Switzerland. OikoDiplomatique works around issues relating to peace, conflict resolution, land, and climate. 

Her academic background is in law, media communications and international relations. Having started her career at the World Young Women’s Christian Organisation (World YWCA) headquarters in Geneva, she has vast experience in gender issues and was selected to represent all youth organisations present at the UN World Youth Conference in Helsinki. She has experience in mainstreaming gender throughout all aspects of an organization and its work. She was seconded by Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) to mainstream gender at its partner organisation in Addis Ababa. 

Climate, land, and security are addressed in various ways at OikoDiplomatique including creating platforms for dialogue such as symposiums and conferences and facilitating exchange of knowledge and ideas between and amongst organisations, leaders, professionals, and members of the community. 

The organization plans an intergenerational approach to harness and document knowledge and practices relating to care and management of the environment.  This will be done through dialogues and documentation.