
Tukahirwa Joy Margaret Nee’ Biteete (PhD) is currently a team leader at the secretariat of Uganda Landcare Network (ULN) – a national platform promoting land care stewardship.  She has over 30 years of experience working with national as well as international research   systems as a Natural Resources Management (NRM) specialist to harness improved livelihoods with healthy landscapes across scales. She is a recipient of several research awards and fellowships including Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, European Economic Community (EEC) and Social Science Research Council (SSRC).  She serves in other various capacities including    Eastern Africa representative of Beyond Subsistence (BS) championing undertakings in agroforestry and development including customizing Master Tree Grower (MTG) programme among resource poor communities in Africa; a member of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of Restore East and South Africa (ESA) Program under Global Ever Greening Alliance; and a board member of Global Landcare. Dr Tukahirwa has extensive grassroots empowerment experience working among small scale farmers in Kenya, Tanzania Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, and Eastern DRC.