
Lead organizations:

Kenya Private Sector Association (KEPSA)

Other partnering organizations:

AGAR Ltd, Better Globe Forestry, Seedballs Kenya, Academia (UoN), KTDA, Safaricom, AAK, Nyuki Hubs, Rea Trust from Baringo, KBL, BIDCO (John Kariuki), KENGEN Foundation, WRI


Private sector involvement in restoration has widely been recognized as a means of financing restoration, influencing government policy etc. This theme seeks to explore ways for building private sector engagement and entrepreneurship in restoration.

Overall objectives:

  • Recruit the private sector to climate action and climate finance by showing what is possible, sharing lessons learnt as well as showcasing opportunities to support landscape restoration through corporate shared value.
  • Enhance a platform for private sector actors to network and interact with actors who can provide advice on how to get involved or invest in landscape restoration.
  • Identify bottlenecks and challenges faced by businesses involved in restoration e.g. (goats, spraying, rules, and regulations, woodfuel supply etc.)
  • Unlocking water producing infrastructure for restoration and come up with ways to engage the private sector in this.
  • Enhancing visibility for private sector actors engaging in restoration.


Arnolda Shiundu

Arnolda Shiundu


Head of Sustainability, East Africa Breweries Limited

Samuel Kabiru

Samuel Kabiru


Manager, The Land Accelerator, World Resource Institute, WRI Africa

Sven Verwiel

Sven Verwiel


Co-Founder LEAF Africa and ForestFoods

George Oselu

George Oselu


Forest Manager, Kenya Tea Development Agency

Michael Koech

Michael Koech


Environment and Climate Change Manager, Safaricom Limited

Teddy Kinyanjui

Teddy Kinyanjui


Sustainability Director, Seedballs Kenya

Tommaso Iser Menini

Tommaso Iser Menini


Founder and CEO of  African Agency for Arid Resources Limited (Agar Ltd)

Anthony Igecha

Anthony Igecha


Managing Trustee, KenGen Foundation

Dr. Dora C. Kilalo

Dr. Dora C. Kilalo


Senior Lecturer Entomology and Pest Management, University of Nairobi

Patricia Mumbi Wambua

Patricia Mumbi Wambua


County Director of Environment and Researcher, The Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies