Souleymane Fassoum Doumbia
Souleymane Doumbia is the Project Manager Regreening Africa Mali at Oxfam International Mali. He holds a Master's degree in Social Science as well as a Master's degree in Economic Sector Analysis and Development.

Edward Akunyagra
Edward Akunyagra is a development management professional with dual Master degrees in international Development Studies and Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Edward holds a BA. Honors degree in Integrated Development studies and comes with over a decade of...

Felix Mulindangabo
Felix Mulindangabo is a monitoring and evaluation professional with 10 plus years of experience in leading evidence and learning for development and emergency projects. He currently works with World Vision Rwanda and provides support to the MEL component of...

Malefia Tadele
Malefia Tadele is works from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Regreening Africa Project Manager in Ethiopia. She holds a master’s degree in Environmental science anda degree in Natural resource Management. Malefia has 15 years of practical work experience in...

Regreening Africa Roundtable: Unlocking large-scale land restoration practices, approaches, and benefits in Sub-Saharan Africa
ROUNDTABLE RESOURCESPRESENTATIONSRESOURCES/LINKSRegreening Africa is an ambitious programme running from 2017-2023 that aims to reverse land degradation on 1 million hectares across 8 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Regreening Africa integrates trees into crop and...

Constance L. Neely
Constance L. Neely is a senior consultant to World Agroforestry (ICRAF) on integrating research, practice, and policy and co-founder of the Stakeholder Approach to Risk Informed and Evidence-Based Decision Making (SHARED Decision Hub), created in 2012 to tackle...

Expanding food systems and income sources for tree farmers in Migori County, Kenya
By Grace Koech In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the desire to get healthier, amid climate change and widening gaps in food security and nutrition are of concern, hence the need for the development and strengthening of existing rural delivery systems to improve...

Farmers restoring degraded lands with FMNR techniques
By Habtamu Regasa Sheki Jamal is a 55-year-old farmer, a father of nine-seven sons and two daughters-who lives in Sinbixe village of Jeju district, Oromia Region state of Ethiopia. When Jamal was young, most of the land in his village was covered with natural forests...

Buzzing out on farmer-managed natural regeneration in Western Kenya
By Grace Koech Farmers and researchers are exploring ways to add value to farmer-managed natural regeneration plots in Kenya, chiefly by incorporating apiculture into these systems to offer additional livelihood options and make the most of the bee forage that the...

Home gardening: a multiple-win approach to land restoration
The Regreening Africa project is promoting and building capacity for home gardening in several African countries to address food insecurity, land degradation, and climate change impacts .