
Irene Ojuok in an Environmentalist with over 10 years’ experience working with rural communities in Kenya while working with World Vision Kenya. She holds a Bachelors in Environmental Studies, Masters in Project Planning and Management and recently has commenced her Doctoral research in Land Degradation and Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) in Kenya at the University of Bonn, Institute of Research and Development (ZEF) and Right Livelihood College. Irene has vast experience in; project design & implementation, capacity building, advocacy & policy influence, private sector partnerships and engagements, gender mainstreaming, documentation, and publications mainly on FMNR including other sustainable land management practices, climate change and other community driven development models. She is passionate in transforming lives and landscapes through sustainable land restoration and livelihoods strengthening efforts notably FMNR which have seen her honored as Global Evergreening Ambassador, Tree Ambassador by Total Eco Challenge Kenya in 2016 and Global FMNR champion through FMNR Hub.

She believes in Mahatma Ghandi quote “I am the source of change I want to become”.